1.5 million people have diabetes in the UK and 1 million are as yet undiagnosed
Program for Diabetics
We can see a dramatic improvement and often recovery from diabetes type 2 by using the following techniques:
- Intermittent Hypoxia Treatment
- Regulation of balance of hormones by supplementary vitamins
- Diet with controlled fasting, disintoxication and regulation the digestive system
- Acupuncture for control of appetite and a good diet.
- Improving diabetes by reducing doses of insulin and low-sugar tablets in a few days is possible!
This is the best way to prevent complications of diabetes!
Combining Therapies
Intermittent Hypoxia Therapy (IHT), Diet and Fasting in the morning, Acupuncture and the special Insulin Regime compensated a patient with Diabetes TYPE I.
Jiri K, 30 years old, professional sportsman living in Prague. Diabetes type I; suffered for 2 years. He was taking 65 units of insulin daily yet this was not effectively controlling his blood sugar. After 2 days of treatment Jiri has 26 units of insulin a day, since August 20 units and his blood sugar was normal. Observation since end of June 2000
Intermittent Hypoxia Therapy (IHT), Acupunture and Fasting supports circadian rhythms, compensates a patient with Diabetes TYPE II.
Vahan Em. (London), 52 years old, businessman. Diabetes type II 6 years, decompensated, 8 low sugar tab. a day: glibenclamide (15 mg a day) and metformin (500mg in the morning and 850mg in the evening). Patient compensated in 3 day without tab. He lost 12 kg.
Observation from Nov. 1999 to March 2003, during this time Test Tolerance to Glucose constantly normal 2000-2004. Patient only on diet.
Results of treatment (London, 2000-2001)
Please See: Testimonials
Fasting therapy in the treatment of diabetes.
T. N. Voronina (Zaporozhe, Ukrain)
Fasting therapy in the treatment of internal disease.
From a collection of scientific works under the editorship of Professor M N Volgarev and Dr V A Maximov.
Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation Russian Academy of Medical Science Institute of Nutrition, p 94, Moscow, 1993.
There are well-known data relating to the possibility of increasing the number of receptors in cellular membranes and also enhancing their sensitivity to insulin after fasting. This information confirms the value of introducing fasting therapy in the treatment of patients with diabetes type II.
36 diabetes type II patients (length of illness: from one month to 18 years) with excess weight (up to stage III obesity) were subjected to fasting therapy (fasting from 5 to 21 days). All the patients were admitted to hospital in a state of decompensated diabetes: 12 were treated with insulin (from 36 to 160 units per 24 hours), 14 with per-oral sugar-reducing preparations (SRP), and 10 with fasting.
The basic condition for successful fasting therapy was normoglycaemia at the beginning of and before fasting. This was achieved by the diet and the prescription of fractional doses of insulin (4 - 12 units per 24 hours) as required for the first and second days of fasting. The period of resuming food was determined by glycemia during one day with individual selection of diet.
As a result of the treatment in 8 patients on insulin therapy the diabetes was compensated by the diet of 4 transferred to per-oral SRP. The 14 patients permanently on per-oral SRP after fasting therapy were in a compensating state: 5 on the smaller doses of SRP, 9 on diet alone. 10 patients with mild sugar diabetes after treatment achieved stable compensation on the diet.
Long-term results (1 month - 10 years) demonstrate that in the case of a tendency to further weight loss reliable results of the treatment remain stable. This is ensured by a hypocaloric diet and adequate physical exercise under constant medical supervision.
Results did not depend on the length of the illness or the period of fasting. It was evidently enough for the therapy to be accompanied by 6 - 7 days of fasting, preferably repeated 3 - 4 times a year. Thus the use of the therapy with diabetes type II patients considerably accelerates the compensation of carbohydrate metabolism, eliminates or reduces SRP, reduces the risk of complications and enhances the work capability of patients with consequent great economic effect.