I am Robin Maclear, 70 years old, live in UK.
In March 2010 I was diagnosed with Angina and an angiogram revealed that one of my main arteries was 50% closed. The surgeon however deemed that it was not sufficiently bad to warrant a stent.
I was subsequently recommended to a specialist Russian Dr. Tamara Voronina to try Hypoxia training. This involved using an altitude simulator, which gave me the equivalent of training at up to 20,000 feet. I continued the treatment regularly for 4 months and on my next examination the surgeon discovered that the artery was now only 20% closed, much to his amazement.
I’ve given up taken all the prescribed drugs and have had no ill effects. I continue to use the Hypoxia training machine every few weeks. Other benefits have included a tremendous increase in my fitness and general well being.
Kind Regards
Robin Maclear
Mircea G. 63 years old (Romania), January 2016
My main health problem is related to my prostate and started at least seven years ago, when I first noticed difficulty with my urine flow. In 2009 my free PSA was found to be 10.18. USE showed no enlargement of the prostate. In November 2016 my free PSA was 29.8 and I had difficulty with urine flow. I refused any invasive examination and treatment as well hormone therapy which conventional doctors offered to me, because I was aware of the complications.
My wife, a Professor of Psychology at the University, was worried about me very much. She had attended a lecture by Dr. Tamara Voronina at the Madrid Anti-Aging Symposium last October. She was fascinated by the clinical results of her more then 30 years practice of fasting therapy with different diseases. We decided to ask Dr. Voronina to be my consultant and to help me with her method of fasting treatment. We are in touch with her through email and Skype on regular basis from October 2015.
Initially Dr. Voronina suggested water fasting for one week only, but when she felt I was managing well she proposed continuous fasting for up to 40 days.
In 2014 I followed the method of Dr. Breuss for 40 days with herb teas and small amounts of vegetable juices only. This method did not help me, free PSA value remaining around 26.
After the 5th day (the hardest psychological obstacle) of water fasting with Dr. Voronina’s supervision, I decided to keep going as long as I could. Because plain water seems pretty hard to swallow in large quantities, I have preferred a blend of different herbal teas in quantities exceeding 3 liters per day flavored with plenty of fresh lemon juice sweetened with 17 drops of stevia. The only indulgence allowed was sauerkraut juice sometimes.
In the morning I would wake up less rested with low blood pressure, high pulse rate and uncertain movements. I knew that coffee enemas are very useful for detoxification and for their energizing action; for this reason I have used an enema almost daily (and by the way, I had a stool every time!). This allowed me to keep going to work at my office in the first month of fasting.
After 40 days of fasting, I had lost 12 kg. Free PSA analysis dropped to 21.4 so by 28%, I have no problem with urine flow at all (this main improvement started on the 30th day of fasting, the same day there was no evidence of candida in urine test)!
I have started using advance technology device Aquaton for last 3 weeks. It normalizes water in the body. Aquaton was redistricted for using as water resonance activation system in 2014.
I gained back 6 kg after 24 days of eating and my weight remained almost constant since then. I continue working with Dr. Voronina because I am certain that my health will improve more.
I recommend her with all my heart! I regret that because we are some distance from each other, I have had no access to other types of treatments that Dr. Voronina uses in her practice that would make me heal more easily and faster.
Mircea G. (Romania)
26 January 2016
N.V. (female, 67 years old), Jan. 2016, London.
I had cancer 7 years ago and refused radiotherapy, which was strongly recommended by a conventional doctor. To be sure I am out of danger and doing everything right I regularly (2-3 times a year) do laboratory tests at The Galkina Lab.(in Bournemouth). It is special p53 proteins and telomerase, which can identify a body’s tendency to develop cancer. If my test is not completely normal I have treatments under supervision Dr. Voronina’s with intermittent hypoxia training (IHT) supplementary vitamins, plus I am fasting from 5 - 7 days regularly. After this program of the treatments my tests are absolutely normal. My cancer has not returned.
I am happy to have found a way of preventing my illness.
It has been established statistically that 1 in 3 people will develop cancer, but better to prevent cancer! I think, everybody over 50-60 should have these tests and preventive treatments.
Yana A. about her mother Galina N. (67 years old), 23 January 2016, London.
After chemotherapy my mother suffered from oedema of the legs and face, insomnia and unbearable migraine at night. We were planning to continue treatment in Germany but her blood pressure was 240/120 and her condition deteriorated over three weeks (from end Dec. to 18 Jan. 2016). We consulted Dr. Tamara Voronina. She diagnosed my kidney problem as well.
My mother had 7 sessions with Dr. Voronina: acupuncture, intermittent hypoxia training (IHT), special diet and morning fasting. My mother used Aquafon, a special physiotherapy device. After 7 days her oedema gone, blood pressure was 110/80 (25.01.16) and she was on no medication. We are both very grateful to Dr. Voronina.
Aleksandra Tolst (30 years old), treatment from September to March 2016.
I came to Dr. Tamara Voronina in mid-September 2015 due to overactive thyroid function. I have severe skin allergy reaction to the main medicine for hyperthyroidism - carbimazole. I was unsuccessfully treated by my GP and a consultant back in 2013-2014. They told me they couldn’t help without carbomitazol.
I had incredible fatigue, periodical anxiety and felt very hot, high pulse rate (in rest about 110 - 120 bmp), and I lost weight (3 kg during 5 months, from 48kg to 45kg, my height 156cm).
Dr. Voronina devised drug-free treatment such as Intermittent Hypoxia Training, homeopathy, vitamins, acupuncture, diet and physiotherapy, using new equipment Aquaton. During treatments, over about 4 months, I had about 30 sessions with Dr. Voronina, and as an addition at home about 32 sessions with IHT and Aquaton. She helped me back to my normal strength, normalised my pulse rate (now 68-72), I have now no anxiety and have put on weight to my normal 48,5kg. I don’t feel ill at all. My lab. thyroid results improved every month, thyroid became smaller. I have also a special diet, which was hard at the start, but now I love it.
I was afraid of spiders from my childhood and homeopathy remedies, which I took helped to overcome it very quickly, in one month. I don’t have any more anxiety, fear and heart palpitations when I see spiders.
I am grateful to Dr. Voronina for her help with high professionalism as an endocrinologist and natural therapist.
Olga G (19 years old), treatment 3 days in April 2016
Before the treatment Dr. Voronina I suffered many years from a severe case of insomnia which was also accompanied by episodes of anxiety, depression and panic attacks, which naturally further impacted the quality of my sleep and my study. Every night it took me hours to fall asleep and I would always wake up restless and tired. This was a living nightmare.
After only three treatments (I have every day oxygen/hypoxic breathing and acupuncture) my sleep improved colossally and all my anxiety, depression and panic attacks desepier. Falling asleep is no longer a problem and I feel like my sleeping cycle is now improving itself. I started sleeping very deeply and undisturbed. Hence, I do feel like I had a good rest when I wake up and succesfully studay and work. Needless, to say this made a remarkable change in my life and improved my overall health incredibly. I am incredibly happy! Thank you very much! Olga
Complete FREEDOM from cigarettes!!
"When I came to see Dr Tamara Voronina for help with bronchitis, I had no intention at the time of giving up my 19 years worth of smoking!! With her encouragement and treatment, I found the strength, with the help of the breathing machine and the give it a go..
After using the machine, which helped to detox my lungs, I felt so healthy, i did not want to smoke...I had hardly any cravings and now feel and have no desire to ever smoke again!!
Thank you Dr. Tamara, you have helped me more than you will ever imagine!"
Malika Bagai (35), London, July 2008,
Depression gone and re-growth of black hair on my scalp, as opposed to grey…
Olaf Fischer, 75 (London June 2008),I sought Dr Tamara Voronina's advice about 3 years ago at a particularly low point in my life. Aged 72 at the time, I had just gone through a most acrimonious divorce and was quite depressed. Although it would be wrong to say that I was drinking heavily at the time, it would be true to say that I was drinking too much.
She suggested a course of IHT and also acupuncture, and prescribed a course of supplements and vitamins.
It is fair to say that I was not necessarily expecting serious results from the treatment, but thought I would give it a go.
What was amazing was that, whilst the IHT was giving me a feeling of well-being, the acupuncture definitely turned me off drink, in that I didn't enjoy any alcohol at all for a period after the treatment, and I managed to lose a stone and a half in no time at all.
After a time, the regime stabilised my drinking habits and eating habits at moderate levels, and my feeling of wellbeing persisted.
Also, over a longer term, the treatment appeared to increase the regrowth of black (as opposed to grey - white) hair on my scalp.
Over a period of time, I have also been impressed by Dr Voronina's treatment for a variety of conditions, in that I have seen the results and discussed these with other patients.
I have no hesitation in recommending Dr Voronina.
Severe Allergic symptoms cured in two hour
Mrs Francoise De P. came to see me on 25 March 2004 complaining of an allergic reaction with symptoms of intensive shaking, heart palpitations, redness and swelling of skin all over the body, pale blue phalanges and nails on hand, unbearable skin itching relieved only by cold showers. Blood pressure 180/100. Pulse 110.
Four-five days earlier she had been sun-bathing on the beach. No evidence of food allergies in the past. On 24 March she had a glucocortisone injection and pain killers (in relation to pain in her right hip), and last three days anti-histamine tablets, after which the allergic reaction intensified (?)
She was treated (25 March ) with intermittent hypoxia therapy (100 minutes), homeopathy (Valerian Heel, which included Hipericum Perforatum; Nux Vomica) and acupuncture. After treatment blood pressure 155/90. Pulse 84. Her skin returned to a normal colour in 2 hours and well-being was established. Laboratory tested for allergies and others.
Treatment continued on 26 March (intermittent hypoxia therapy 60 minutes, homeopathy and acupuncture.
I recommend a return for her local doctor.
Mrs Francoise De P., 67 from Geneva (London, 2004),
Polycystic ovary syndrome eliminated
Karen, UK (26/02/03),I came to see Dr Tamara Voronina after suffering from polycystic ovary syndrome for 18 years. This has caused me to have irregular periods, hair growth on my face, tiredness and I gained four and a half stone in weight, which I could not lose. My own doctor was not really interested in my problem and thought I was just depressed.
After my first three treatments I felt more alert and I lost 8lb in weight. I have now been coming for six weeks and have lost 24 lb and have loads of energy. My last period caused me no pain and was finished in four days. The hair growth on my face is disappearing.
This treatment has turned my life round. I now want to go out and do things.
I am not worrying about people looking at me and seeing an overweight, bloated person, which is how I saw myself in the mirror.
Trigger finger operation avoided by one session acupuncture
Many years ago (about 15) I had a minor operation for trigger finger affecting the middle finger of my left hand. The same trouble developed on my right hand 4 years ago and arrangements were made for a similar operation in the Charring Cross Hospital.
Dr Tamara Voronina treated me (one session) with acupuncture and the finger relaxed and started to function properly without any surgery.
There has been no recurrence of the problem in the last four years.
Brian Lockett (75), London July 2005,
Epileptic Seizure alleviated by Hypoxia Therapy
Elena N. (57), (London, 2004),I have been epileptic since the age of 14. Last 6 months, practically since 6 July 2004 my attacks became more severe. Twice, one after the other, I had concussion which, particularly on the second occasion, had serious consequences.
The first happened on 6 June 2004 and the second on 8 July 2004. The first time I banged the right side of the back of my head on a metal staircase, and the second I banged my face and temples against a doorframe. After the first bump I had headaches, giddiness when changing the position of my head or my body, gradually that began to pass.
But after the second bang the consequences were so severe and unpleasant that I felt as if I was on my last legs. In the first place, after the second fall, I took a long time coming round and then things were very bad - a noise in my ears, headache, of course, particularly at the side of the head and on the left temple, and the feeling that my head and my whole body were experiencing an electric shock. In addition there was numbness in my extremities and a partial loss of coordination. Even looking and moving my eyes and tongue was difficult and painful. When I saw my doctor, he only recommend for me to increase my main medicine for epilepsy, after I felt much worse. He gave no other recommendations.
Gradually, over two weeks, I started to get up and walk, but the noise in my ears was practically constant and the numb feeling came back following any unguarded movement, upset or physical tiredness.
I couldn't go to my doctor's since I was in no condition to leave the house but I consulted Dr. Voronina by telephone. She has known me for many years. She prescribed vitamins and microelements and - which was the main thing - use of her equipment - the mountain air machine.
The first time I breathed mountain air was on the 16 July and from the 17th I started taking the vitamins. I was particularly poorly at this time, but on the 20th July I felt I was becoming slightly stronger and went for a walk in the local park with my daughter for about an hour and a half. This was after one month of not leaving my bed. This turned out to be too taxing for me and I got worse during the walk. The feelings described above came back and we tried to get back home as quickly as possible. There I got so bad that I could scarcely speak. I could only sit with my eyes closed. My husband and daughter put me on the machine and I breathed mountain air for 30 minutes. After 20 minutes the headache and the numbness gradually passed and I gradually got back to normal. This was the first time I saw the immediate effect of using the machine. I started using the hypoxic machine every time I felt my pre–fit conditions and it was very successful.
I breathed mountain air regularly during two months for 40 minutes every day, but if I felt worse during the day, I would use it additionally since it gave relief.My condition gradually improved and in the first 10 - 14 days the gaps between bad times increased and the symptoms became less marked. The numbness disappeared from my extremities, along with the headache and the noise in the ears. Naturally I tried to follow the prescribed regime, took the vitamins and moved carefully - for example, I tried not to bend down. In the second half of August I felt much better and could bend down without consequences. By mid-September the improvement had stabilized. The use of the hypoxic machine has improved to a significant degree my condition. I am regularly using of the Hypoxic machine now (we bought it). It is the most effective type of treatment for me.
Myotonia better and quick recovery after dental surgery…
Myotonia is a symptom of a small handful of certain neuromuscular disorders characterized by the slow relaxation of the muscles after voluntary contraction or electrical stimulation.
I have been Dr Voronina's patient for 14yrs. I am disabled with Myotonia, a neurological muscle disease. I either rented at home, or used the machine in her consulting room every day when I was at my lowest ebb. The treatment greatly improved my condition on these occasions. I bought a machine last year, and now use it regularly at home bi-monthly for 25 days. This improves my general energy and overall mobility.
Last month I underwent extreme surgery on my upper jaw, and, using the machine, I was able to reduce extensive swelling and bruising. There was a distinct improvement in my condition and appearance in just 2 to 3 days.I had dental surgery, and it went badly.
The first pictures show my reaction over the first 2 days after surgery... then, when I could get a mask on, I went on the machine.... and within 2 days, it had worked miracles with the healing.
I could not have survived without it...
The bruising has now gone... and I know the machine will help me heal.. Best Wishes. VickyVicky, (63) (London, 6 July 2008).,
Weight Loss
Weight control
From Woman & Home magazineNovember 2002, pages 116-117
5 no-diet ways to lose weight"... Jane Alexander spoke to five women who all lost weight effortlessly - without ever counting a single calorie.
Jana Griffiths, 51, airline cabin crew
Height: 5'4"
Weight before: 10 stone 8 lbs
Weight after: 9 stone 7 lbsProblem
"I just wasn't losing weight. no matter what method I tried."What happened ?
"Dr Voronina's acupuncture simply made the hunger pangs go away - in fact, I couldn't even bear the smell of alcohol (and I love wine). I lost a pound a day for the first ten days followed by a slower weight loss."
Trial period One month
How it works: Acupuncturists see weight gain as a sign that the body's energy (known as qi or chi) is out of balance, they will aim to balance your qi by pinpointing (sorry !) the exact places along the meridians (energy pathways of the body) that need stimulating. What happened ? "Dr Voronina put needles in various parts of my body and also some in my ears; the needles in my ears were left in they didn't hurt at all. I had a toxic headache after 48 hours, but that was the only side effect. The acupuncture simply made the hunger pangs go away - in fact, I couldn't even bear the smell of alcohol (and I love wine). I lost a pound a day for the first ten days followed by a slower weight loss." Most suitable for: Those who like swift results - acupuncture can have almost immediate effects. Although the procedure isn't generally painful, it's not suitable for the needle-phobic
Maintaining Slimming and Beauty
My profession requires me to be very slim, beautiful and in good health. When my health is good I can smile naturally. I have been a patient of Dr Tamara Voronina for about two years. Thanks to her I have been able to maintain my figure, keep my digestive system in order and, with the help of supplementary vitamins and intermittent hypoxia therapy, keep my hormones and energy in balance.
Tania Sh (23)., International Model (London June 2008),
11 kg weight Loss and abandonment of low-sugar tablets
Height: 5'9" Weight: 106 kg (BEFORE treatment) May 2000. Weight: 97 kg 28.August 2000
3 years ago was diagnosed with diabetes, when started to lose weight, maximum weight was 150 kg. He had been taking oral hypoglycemic agent: 2 tablets (0,15) - phenformin (or metformin) a day. Often and constantly, since 1999 he has suffered from abscess. He complained of very dry mouth and throat, difficulty in losing weight, sweating and feeling discomfort in the stomach after eating.
THE RESULT OF TREATMENT: no complications; was normoglycaemia without oral hypoglycemic agent. Loss of weight 11 kg. No abscess since first visit.
Josephine B. (62), translator, London, 2004
I first came to see Dr. Voronina three years ago, when I was
suffering from a generally debilitated condition and especially from oedema in the legs and feet. A course of hypoxic breathing, combined with acupuncture and vitamins, helped enormously, reducing the swelling and making me feel much better. Two years later, I went backfor treatment because I had been diagnosed with diabetes type 2, something that Dr. Voronina suspected (3 years ago), as my condition originally was "pre-diabetic".
The treatment, again consisting of hypoxic breathing and acupuncture and vitamins, helped me enormously. I was again suffering from swelling in the legs, which was greatly reduced and I felt more energetic. Best of all, the neuropathy in my legs and feet, which was painful and unpleasant (at first pins and needles, later pains in various parts of the legs and feet) disappeared and I found I was able to reduce my intake of Metformin (diabetic tablets) from three to one a day after only 8-10 days treatment
Sheih H. Al-K., Bahrain (31, in August 2000),
Reduction of insulin dosage from 180 to 40 units
Height: 1m 68 Weight: 90kg Her first consultation was on 22nd Jan. 2001.
Diagnosis diabetes type 2 15 years ago and later diabetic retinopathy. In 1985 insulin was added to her quite big dose low sugar tablet. Before treatment in January 2001 her day-night dosage insulin was 180 units and metformin 1350 mg per
Metformin was from otmenion at first day of treatment and in one-week insulin from 26 - 40 units per day kept her compensation of her glycemia normal during the day. Sager in urine dissipie.
Last contact with patient 5 years ago. She was taking only 30-36 unit Insulin a day.
High blood pressure was evident in 1985. Since then blood pressure tablets. After treatment blood pressure from 180/90 became normal: 130/80 without medicine. Her total numbness in the lower extremities very much relieved after treatment. Observed 4 years.
Mrs. Joan W. T., (66 in Jun. 2001) London,
Freedom from Diabetes type 2 for the last 8 years
Mr. Vahan E., (52 in Jun. 2000), London,Height: 5'5" Weight: 86 kg, in two months 75 kg (treatment January-March 2000) His first consultation was on 6th January 2000.
Mr. E. had been suffering from diabetes for approximately six years (1994-2000). During the last five his medication was increased to glibenclamide (3 tablets a day, 15 mg) and metformin (500 mg in the morning and 850 mg in the evening).
He has been without oral hypoglycemic agent (OHA) tablets since the third day of the treatment. Blood pressure normalized from 150/90 to 120/80. Pulse 78 to 68.
From 2000 to August 2008 Vahan didn't need OHA, his glucose tolerance test is normal the most time.
Lung abscess illuminated in 25 days and prostate cancer was found to have shrunk.
I was diagnosed with an abscess on my right lung on 3 January 2008 in the Thailand Samitivej Sukhumvit Hospital, Thailand, when I had an X-ray. At the time I felt very much lacking in energy, suffered depression, shortness of breath, constant cough sometimes with phlegm. On returning to London my consultant, surgeon in Lister and Brompton Hospitals, advised me to have the abscess investigated and drained through a biopsy procedure.
I was referred by my USA consultant to Dr Tamara Voronina. She recommended a 25-day course of her therapy. This contrasted with the advice of the surgeon. I decided to try her integrated daily sessions, each of about one hour, for 25 days. It was half-day fasting, special diet, vitamin supplements, homeopathy, two different techniques of acupuncture and Intermittent Hypoxia Training. During the first week most of my complications had disappeared and I felt completely free of my depression and my energy had come back. By the third week after some sessions I had released a lot of phlegm.
My lung was X-rayed on 12 February and found to be normal, no abscess. The surgeon, Dr. John Collins (Brompton Hospital and Lister Hospital) said this was only the second time, in a practice covering 45 years, that he remembers a lung abscess being cured without drainage and the use of antibiotics.
My prostate cancer was found to have shrunk. At the moment (June 2008) I have completed a 2nd course of IHT (25 treatments daily) backed up by the diet recommended by Dr. Voronina.I am greatly indebted to the wisdom and skill of Dr. Voronina.
David M., 73 (London, May-July 2008), His doctor/surgeon is excited about his last examination.
Healing intractable eye trauma
I had an injury to my right eye, caused by a snapping elastic band. The eye was suffused with blood. The hospital doctor said they couldn't guarantee that my sight would be unaffected. After treatment from Dr. Voronina over two weeks, including intermittent hypoxia therapy, acupuncture, fasting for five days and supplementary vitamins, my eyesight became better than before the injury.
Edward Leshik (65), London, 1999,
I had an injury to my right eye, caused by a snapping elastic band. The eye was s'm lucky enough to have found Dr Tamara Voronina in Nutri Centre Clinic, following my thyroid problem (hyperthyroidism).
I was feeling stressed and worn down, no physical and emotional energy at all. Dr Tamara's approach is very thorough, she made me feel at ease with the treatment straight away ! Now and after 4 sessions, I sleep better (I had not slept normally for about 2 years!), no heart palpitations, my appetite has come back with a feeling of comfort in my whole body, my mind is clear. And I feel more in touch with the inner me (i.e. my health), I feel more grounded, more accepting, more connected with my surrounding, etc...the list is endless!
I like the way she relies on different medical traditions, both eastern and western like when she uses acupuncture, homeopathy and state-of-the-art breathing equipment with varying oxygen content...
I hope her drug-free treatment has made me free from radiotherapy and the drugs suggested by my GP. I know that I'll be back on track soon, thanks to Dr Tamara Voronina!
Sylvie, London, January 2013,
I conquered Kilimanjaro
I visited Tamara Voronina in January 2013, three weeks before travelling to climb Kilimanjaro, at the time I could barely bend my knees.
A mix of altitude training and acupuncture not only ensured my climb was altitude sickness free, but my knees were able to endure the climb and decent. My energy increased tremendously even as I ate less and lost 5 kg during the first 2 weeks of 6 sessions of treatment. This was very easy to do without hunger pains! I conquered Kilimanjaro, 5900 m, in 1 week after the treatment!
I would wholeheartedly recommend Tamara, she is an exceptional professional.
Simon Leslie (January 2013, London),
Sufferer of MS
In 2006 I was diagnosed with remitting multiple sclerosis and prescribed a variety of drugs (including Oxcarbezapin and Pregabalin as pain killers). I also took Alendronic Acid (for the onset of osteoporosis due to previous Steroid Serum Treatment).
I was under the constant supervision of neurologists and neuropathists with not much chance of a cure in sight. None of this made a lasting impression on the progress of the disease.Last year (2012) in desperation I contacted Dr. Tamara Voronina, who adopted an entirely different approach. She treated me with intermittent hypoxia therapy (IHT) and supplementary vitamins designed to detoxify my body and improve my circulation. She also used acupuncture and spectral dynamic analysis by Complex Medical Expert (CME), special computer equipment. In the relatively short period of time, 5 weeks’ treatment, the results have been remarkable. I no longer need to take painkillers and my crippled hands have improved to the extent that I can type again.
I try to help fellow sufferers and introduced Dr Voronina to Professor Omar Mailk, who is in charge of the treatment of MS patients in the UK. Despite the success of her approach Professor Malik regretted that it could not be provided under the National Health Service because treatments not approved by MHRA* or EMA** cannot be used in the NHS.
Carlo Hakopian, aged 50.*Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA)
Carlo H., 50 years old,
**European Medicines Agency (EMA)
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS)
Peter B,My daughter, Christie, 16 years old was diagnosed with Vasovagal Syncope – symptoms since June 2010. Diagnosed February 2011. Treatment 200mcg Fludrocortisone once a day. Christie is under Doctor Tills at the Royal Marsden Hospital and is in the process of changing to the adult consultant.
The medication appears to be generally working but the dose was doubled 2 months ago as she started to experience bad attacks (not triggered by anything specific) causing her to faint (as usual) but this time she had violent pains in her head and convulsed as though she was having an epileptic fit. The attacks last about 7 to 10 minutes and she recovers fully after a few hours, although is usually very tired.
Tested (prior to diagnosis for just about everything from anaemia, epilepsy, diabetes, heart murmur, thyroid, liver etc. – over 120 tests. Awaiting EEG test because of the headaches during the attacks.
Later was diagnosed with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS).
Symptoms first appeared in autumn 2010. The trigger has been identified as a bad virus in her chest in May 2010, which reoccurred a few months later. The symptoms were difficult to spot because of the amount of swimming training that she was doing.The first time it really manifested itself was in March 2011 when she basically, went to sleep for a week.
The symptoms are constant tiredness, some days not even being able to get out of bed for any period. On good days Christie can do a swim training session for 2 hours and appear normal but she says she still has only 60% of the energy that she had before. She also has back and joint pains and says that she feels like she has been kicked all over.
After eight treatments by Dr Tamara Voronina over four weeks from 18 March to 17 April 2013, Christie made a complete recovery and gave up her 200mcg Fludrocortisone. In May she won a bronze and two silver medals in national swimming championships.
I have lost 11lb in two weeks! Treatments take away the unbridled appetite that was ruining my happiness.
I would like to thank you for what you have done for me and I think the best way is to give you a Testimonial so that prospective patients will be able to see just how effective your treatment is.
Two weeks ago I went to see Dr. Tamara Voronina concerning my weight. For far too long I had struggled with my weight, going from diet to diet in an attempt to lose weight. As the years have gone on it has become harder and harder. I would lose weight only to put it back on the following week. Not only that but I would put even more on than I had lost. There seemed no way to control my appetite.
I had almost given up when I went to see Dr. Voronina. With her calm but warm manner, this Russian Endocrinologist used Acupuncture, Intermittent Oxygen Treatment, a healthy diet and various vitamins and homeopathic remedies to take away the unbridled appetite that was ruining my happiness.
In the past, when I was on a diet I didn't dare go for lunch or dinner with a friend because I knew the temptation to overeat and to eat the wrong foods would overwhelm me and undo all my efforts. Not so any more! I can now look at the delicious cakes and 'feast my eyes' but I am truly not tempted to eat them. I feel as though I have been liberated - as if a huge weight has been lifted - oh and I have lost approximately 11 lb (in two weeks!). Not only that, but today when I met up with a friend she asked me if I had had 'work' done to my face - in fact she was convinced that I had. There are other side effects too. Pains seem to have disappeared and I feel so much better and happier. I would send everyone to Dr. Voronina if I could!
Noeleen M (Aged 71),
With gratitude,
Only one session of IHT ! I FEEL UNBELIEVABLE
Dear Tamara,
Dr. Lorenzo G. C.,
On the 7th I will arrive in London and will stay there until the 9th, and would be pleased to meet you for another session IHT and acupuncture and further talks about it: I feel UNBELIEVABLY, I CANNOT DESCRIBE THE SENSATION, IT IS REALLY ASTONISHING, AND JUST CONSIDERE I HAVE NOT YET BEGUN THE DIET HAVING BEEN BUSY MUCH MORE THEN EVERY POSSIBLE IMAGINATION.
Kindest regards.
Dr. Lorenzo C. (Italy)